Hello there!
This website was made for osu!, or to be exact, osu!mania, and it separates the different keymodes for pp calculation. Just enter your username or user-id and in a few minutes you will be able to look at your pp from different keymodes.
As you know, osu! only provides a single pp amount for every gamemode, but for mania this is extremely inaccurate (not to say that the pp system is otherwise perfect, but that is a discussion for another day). This site can calculate your pp from only 4K or 7K maps as if only those maps existed in the game. This means keymodes are treated as completely different gamemodes.
First and foremost, the site can only take ranked mania maps into account, so no converts unfortunately. Most likely this won't ever change, as there are technical reasons for it. The second big limitation is the time it takes to build a profile. It takes approximately 10 minutes to add a new player to the site, and only one player can be added at a time, others are queued.
- 4K
- 5K
- 6K
- 7K
- 8K
- 9K
- 10K
- All